Personally, my skin breaks out easier during summer and this happens to most of the people I assume due to the hot weather and the increase of oil secretion. Therefore, I would use oil controlling face masks during summer.

The face mask above is the best oil controlling mask I have ever used. I actually got attracted by this because this is limited addition (DUH!~ =]) along with other ones that I picked up from mannings. I started using the other ones until my monthly came and hormones were doing their 'magic', I tried to use one of these to control my skin from breaking out. The other day when I woke up, my skin was nice and smooth with no break out and it felt so good and oil free I was amazed. I am not sure how this works but this is really good.
I know there isn't much point to recommend this because it is limited and I believe most of them are gone, but I have to say if you are lucky enough to see one, GET IT! Cos it is really good. Before I can find any replacement, this one will have to be the best oil controlling mask I have ever used.
Ps. This is very affordable as well, I believe you can get this ranging from $6-$10 per piece and there are 5 pieces in one box.

The face mask above is the best oil controlling mask I have ever used. I actually got attracted by this because this is limited addition (DUH!~ =]) along with other ones that I picked up from mannings. I started using the other ones until my monthly came and hormones were doing their 'magic', I tried to use one of these to control my skin from breaking out. The other day when I woke up, my skin was nice and smooth with no break out and it felt so good and oil free I was amazed. I am not sure how this works but this is really good.
I know there isn't much point to recommend this because it is limited and I believe most of them are gone, but I have to say if you are lucky enough to see one, GET IT! Cos it is really good. Before I can find any replacement, this one will have to be the best oil controlling mask I have ever used.
Ps. This is very affordable as well, I believe you can get this ranging from $6-$10 per piece and there are 5 pieces in one box.
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